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Introducing: Tommy Cho, President of Security Council

By Farah Jabir, Garden International School

Tommy Cho, President of Security Council (center)

Tommy Cho, President of Security Council (center)

Eighteen conferences ago, Tommy Cho was  a regular delegate and now he is the chair of the Security Council. His experiences have been fun and unexpected, albeit limited, even with all the countless conferences he has attended. This could be due to the fact that he has always been in special committees, like the Security Council, and has never been a part of the General Assembly.

If he could chose a movie to best describe his life, it would be Inception, and for music, he would go with Swedish House Mafia’s Don’t You Worry Child.

Though he does not think that the conferences need many changes, he admits that if he could incorporate a new ceremony or game into THIMUN, he would include and create an emergency situation where “war breaks out” and we would have to “escort the delegates out [of the room].”

In five years time, one could easily see Tommy collecting books for his own personal library; however, he would not take a book with him if he were stuck on a deserted island. Instead he would take a pocketknife, his phone and Nutella. A self-professed sweet tooth, he does not believe much in sentiment. From all the conferences he has chaired and/or debated in, the most impressionable memory for him occurred recently at The Hague. Whilst chairing, Tommy was reading the press newspaper when the “MUN director came in” and told him to stop reading the publication. He was definitely embarrassed.

Though the Security Council will always have a place in his heart, Tommy favors the Advisory Panel. If presented with the decision to create his own committee, he and his deputy president Peak Sen Chua alike are undecided on either a ICCC (International Cyber Criminal Court) or HHRC (Historical Human Rights Council).

When someone walks into the Security Council, it is easy to see faces of hard working delegates, and their presidents, at the front table, well-versed on the procedures of the council proceedings.

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