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Meeting the Munity East 2014 Press Team

By: Chloe Villaret


When we aren’t sneaking up on you with our cameras, harassing you with surveys and interviews, or persuading you to collect our issues, we feel the press-ure!


There are word counts to be established, articles to be assigned, pages to be designed, and printing problems to be solved. One person couldn’t do it all, so instead we have four! Nicholas Wong, Jenny Luk, Stephanie Lai and Andrea Hoang. Four times the brainpower and four times the fun.


Here’s how the well-oiled machine works: Our team of incomparable editors establish a pagination, or a ladder (the plan for what goes into each issue). Journalists and photographers are assigned their articles and given a deadline. Articles come in, are edited and sent to layout. Then the magic happens and everything comes together on the page. Our work goes to print and into your hands! “It’s more stressful than I thought it would be”, confesses Andrea, our Text Editor. “But it’s definitely worth it in the end”, adds Selena, typing away furiously.


You could easily mistake the Press Room for a miniature-scale United Nations. Abu Dhabi, Canada, Taiwan, France, Malaysia, and India are all represented here, but all are united under the sign of Munity East. Water bottles, coffee cups, previous issues and hair cameras are strewn across the work table; handbags and discarded heels surround us: Munity is not for the faint-hearted.


We are often the first ones in and nearly always the last ones out, except for our Editors who we suspect of camping out in the Press Room. We give up many of our breaks and lunch hours to make sure every committee has a stack of issues and we sacrifice our feet running around the campus, chasing a potential story.  That is what we do everyday but what do you think we do all day?


“You deal with the toughest deadlines ever” offered one of the experts from APQ. Along the way we heard some pretty funny things too: “You wear red lipstick and boss people around all day”, “You drink Starbucks and eat donuts”, “You watch Youtube videos when you have nothing to do”, “You use the excuse of being Press to take photos of hot people”.  Yet a personal favorite of ours was sent to us by Cecile, delegate of South Korea for ECOSOC: “You work hard so that we get smart without knowing it”. Indeed, we hope that when you read our work you learn something about the world, about the conference, or about your peers – without feeling like you’re back in school!

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